| General Information | Homework | Lecture Notes | Other Resources |
This is a second course in abstract algebra. We will cover three main topics:
Galois theory is a subtle, yet beautiful subject which characterizes solutions to polynomial equations through connections between groups and fields. All but the last portion of the course will be spent building up to and proving fundamental results in this area, with applications to problems first considered thousands of years ago.
Lecture | MWF 1:00pm-1:50pm 1047 Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building |
Textbook | David Dummit & Richard Foote Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition Chapters 8, 9, 13-15 (roughly) |
Instructor | Andrew Hardt Office: CAB 69B Email: ahardt@illinois.edu Office Hours: MF 2:00pm-2:50pm, CAB 69B |
More Details | Syllabus | Gradescope | If you can't access the Gradescope course, email me |
Homework assignments are weekly, due at 9am on Wednesdays via Gradescope. Using LaTeX for your homework is encouraged, and you will receive 1 bonus point for each homework you typeset using LaTeX.
Midterm Exam 1: Wednesday, 2/19, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Sidney Lu 1043
Midterm Exam 2: Wednesday, 3/26, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Sidney Lu 1043
Midterm Exam 3: Wednesday, 4/23, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Sidney Lu 1043
Final Exam: Tuesday 5/13 -- 8:00am-11:00am, Location TBD
Problem Sessions: Tuesdays, 3:00pm-4:20pm, Loomis Lab 143
Most of the necessary background for this course was covered in Math 417: Abstract Algebra I. Having a working knowledge of topics from that course will be invaluable in this one. All relevant material can be found in earlier sections of Dummit & Foote. In particular, Chapter 7 is an important prerequisite. If you haven't taken Math 416, it would be a good idea to read through Section 11.1 as well.
Useful, relevant, and/or fun. Feel free to send me anything interesting you run across.