The University of Illinois Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar
Fall 2024, Time: Thursdays 3-3:50PM, Place: Altgeld Hall 143 (alternate room: Everitt 3117)

Words and Schubert Calculus, David Wallach (UIUC) -- November 14th, 2024

Giving a combinatorial explanation for the positivity of Schubert structure constants is a longstanding open problem. In this talk, which is based on joint work with Andy Hardt, we introduce an algebra on “chromatic words” which is homomorphic to the ring of back-stable quasisymmetric functions. By analyzing the preimage under this homomorphism of the product of two back-stable Schubert polynomials, we give a word-theoretic re-expression of the Schubert problem.

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The seminar co-organizers are Ian Cavey, Andrew Hardt, David Keating, and Alexander Yong.