The University of Illinois Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar
Spring 2025, Time: Thursdays 2-2:50PM, Place: TBD

date speaker affiliation title
January 30th
Yi-Lin Lee Indiana University Bloomington Domino Tilings, Domino Shuffling, and the Nabla Operator
February 20th
George Seelinger University of Michigan Raising operator formulas for Macdonald polynomials and other related families
February 27th
Linus Setiabrata University of Chicago Double orthodontia formulas and Lascoux positivity
April 17th
Keller VandeBogert Notre Dame TBD
April 24th (exact date/setting TBD)
Bogdan Ion University of Pittsburgh TBD
June 5th
Katherine Tung Harvard TBD

Abstracts are available here .

Fall 2024 Seminar Page

Past seminars

The seminar co-organizers are Ian Cavey, Andrew Hardt, David Keating, and Alexander Yong.